About Me

Welcome! First of all, I want to personally THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE to our country! My Grandfather fought in World War I, my father was a fighter pilot in World War II, his brother served in the Navy in World War II, my uncle served on a submarine in World War II, my brother was trained for Viet Nam, but was never drafted. My younger brother and his wife both served in the Army. I have many friends who have either served or have relatives that served. I don’t know you yet, but I am totally sincere.I want you to know about me and understand my need to help. I understand and know what so many of you have sacrificed for the rest of us, and I know you don’t get much praise for everything that you and your families have gone through. I also know that many of you are struggling to try and make ends meet. I know that there are not jobs for all of our returning veterans, and I am hoping that I can help some of you. I wish I could help all of you! But this is not completely up to me. You have to put some skin in the game, too. And I know all of you know how to do that!american-flagTextA_edited-2


This is not a “get rich quick scheme.” Matter-of-fact, it is not a scheme at all. It is a legitimate way to make income working from home, or anywhere else for that matter. All you need is 1) a computer 2) the willingness to learn 3) some time, and the commitment to succeed. That’s it. If you are interested, please let me know.

Hi! My name is Connie and I want to thank you for visiting me here. I want to give you a little information about myself so you feel comfortable. I am 63 years young, and I have just spent the last 2 years fighting for my life, like many of you have. The difference is, I was not in the service, but I have been battling a rare form of breast cancer. Even though our circumstances are different, I think we are a lot alike in other ways.

Because I was so deathly sick, my husband could not work as I needed care 24/7. We live on social security, and have no other income. Obviously, I could not work either as I could not even lift my head off the pillow many days. We have lost 2 years of income! We are almost to the “DESPERATE” point. We have been here before, but we were always healthy enough to get a job. That is not the case now. My husband is 75 and no one will hire him and I am still too weak to try and work even part-time.

So once again, I have turned to the internet. I am sure a lot of you have done the same thing, maybe many times like I have. My husband is the techy, but he does not believe there is anything legitimate on the internet. So I have spent years (8+) falling for every scam online. He gets furious with me because we are always in a scrape and don’t have the extra money to lose. But I have lost thousands and spent years of time trying to find something to work.

Finding the SOLUTION

I finally have found the solution, and I want to share it with you! PLEASE just take a few minutes to explore your options here. Maybe this is the answer for you and your family, too.

If you have any reservations or questions, please leave me a message and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience. I am here to help you! Also, if you would like to check out my profile, here is the link.

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